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The regular price for 1 bottle of Urgent Liver 911 is $120. However, because you made the cut to join the PhytAge Laboratories private test group, you will get 1 bottle of Urgent Liver 911 for $69.95. That’s a savings of $50. Better yet, to get our BEST DEAL, order 4 bottles and each bottle drops to just $49.95 – that’s $80 off!
"In April, my doctor told me I had advanced fatty liver. I almost fell over when I heard the news. But I was even more shocked, when he just sent me on my way, without any real advice!
I wasn’t sure how to fix my liver… and during lockdown, it was getting really bad. I was struggling with fatigue, I could barely get out of bed in the morning and by 2:00pm my eyes were already shutting close. The pain in my abdomen had gone up my shoulder, which was really uncomfortable.
Worst of all, none of the prescription medication the doctor put me on was doing much. I felt like I was heading to an early grave.
Luckily my friend showed me your presentation. At first, I was feeling really skeptical because I’ve heard of all sorts of miracles from the internet before.
But as I kept reading and was really impressed by all the scientific studies behind your natural remedy, I decided to give it a shot. And I’m so glad I did!
After 2 weeks my high liver enzymes were going right down. My doctor told me to keep up whatever it was I was doing. Well after 2 months I went back to the doctor and he said I “reversed my fatty liver.” I was so relieved to hear that! I even have the energy to look after my garden again. Thank you so much for sharing your research!"
Mary Bell, Texas
"Fatty liver is a terrifying disease. It comes out of nowhere. Doctors can’t even give you real advice about what to do.
I was told to just eat right and go for runs. Well, I tried eating healthy, I stopped drinking soda and all that other stuff. But it wasn’t helping.
I thank God I stumbled upon your website. After following your advice for 2 weeks, I got my energy back, my liver enzyme levels dropped and I started feeling better and better.. Well, after 30 days, I’d lost 26 pounds and felt like a whole new man! I’m not worried anymore about my health and my doc says I’m as healthy as a horse. Thank you for this information!"
Mark Brown, Tennessee